Digital Forensics_ 5

디지털 포렌식 공부

페이스북 모의침투 연구회에서 매번 같은 질문이 올라와서 이참에 정리해둔다. Storage media acquisition Storage media analysis and reporting Windows Evidence Collection Data recovery Password recovery Network forensic Memory forensic Mobile forensic 링크 링크 링크 링크 http://forensi..

Digital Forensics_ 2019.05.12

[Digital Forensics Investigation] 3.1 Intro to computer

Intro to Computer Hardware 3.1.1 Computers - Computer (tower - system unit) - Monitor (output) - Keyboard (input) - Mouse (input) input device : power(controls whether the computer turns on or not), CD or DVD player (giving data to the computer) output device : monitor (looking screen) Older tower Power source : all of the computer gets its power Ventilation : necessary to flow the air to preven..

[Digital Forenscis Investigation] 2.1 Cyber Security

2.1.1 Cybercrimes happen when cyber security fails Whenever we either don't plan for a certain event to take place we don't implement the security solution properly we don't educate people in what they need to do or what part they need to play 2.1.2 Cyber Security seeks to maintain : - Confidentiality (기밀성) - Data or information should only be accessible by those with permission to do so ex) Hac..

[Digital Forensics Investigation] 1.3 Cyber Security and Cybercrime

1.3.1 Cyber Security : At temps to protect networks, computers programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access - Difficult to do : - We want full, easy access on demand - We don't want others to have full, easy access on demand - Balance must found between openness and level of risk 1.3.2 CIA Model : Model used to guide information security policies within an organization (C)onfiden..

[Digtial Forensic Investigation] 1.2 Cybercrime and Networks

1.2.1 What is cybercrime? Actually, the meaning of cybercrime depends on which country you're in which jurisdiction you're in how your country's culture thinks about computers how they use computers Basic general definition: Crime conducted via the Internet or some other computer network Focus on a connection between systems (very often global connections) ex) connecting K-mooc(Korea server), or..