Digital Forensics_/[Digital Forensics Investigation]

[Digital Forensics Investigation] 1.3 Cyber Security and Cybercrime

Jieon_ 2019. 5. 8. 12:20

1.3.1 Cyber Security

: At temps to protect networks, computers programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access

     - Difficult to do :
         - We want full, easy access on demand
         - We don't want others to have full, easy access on demand
         - Balance must found between openness and level of risk

1.3.2 CIA Model

: Model used to guide information security policies within an organization

(C)onfidentiality (기밀성)
- Only those who should have access CAN access sensitive information

(I)ntegrity (무결성) 
- Maintaining the consistency, accuracy and trustworthiness of data over its life cycle

- Those who SHOULD have access CAN access data when they want 
Well-known method to 

1.3.3 Data

: CIA applies to data/information that is in storage or in transit
     - hard drive, tape backup
(ex) the letter in the desk drawer)
 the risk : someone could open the drawer and read it 

     - being sent over a network
(ex) the letter which is put in an envelope and sent through the mail)
 the risk : someone could intercept the letter and open it up

: The lifecycle of the data describes its use from the time it is created to the time it is deleted
     - Includes how the data is stored, analyzed and transmitted

1.3.4 The Value of Data

     - Data has value in the form of information it provides
     - The value of data is usually limited in time

1.3.5 Cybercrimes attack each area of the CIA model 

- Confidentiality
     - Stealing credit card numbers or other personal information for sale
     - Stealing trade secrets for sale or blackmail
     - Stealing passwords to access resources
     - Social engineering

- Integrity
     - Changing contract payment accounts electronically
     - Using a virus to modify data of a competitor

     - DDos attacks to make a competitor lose money, lose reputation
     - Cryptolocker blocking access to data on hard drives
: where you get a virus and it encrypts all of your data and then asks for money to decrypt

1.3.6 Cyber Security focuses on the protection of these areas

- Confidentiality
: Relies on the identification of an object or person
     - Access Control Lists : restrict the person who access to the data
     - Data encryption : block the access of other people
     - IDs and Passwords
     - Biometrics

- Integrity
: Usually relies on change detection and backups
     - Checksums
     - Data backup (multiple, offsite, etc.)
: Integrity should be maintained while data is stored (not very difficult) and while in transit (can be difficult)
Transit is difficult because it is hard to control after we send

- Availability
: Usually maintained through hardware duplicates and updated software
(making sure even if the computer break down, you have another computer that can take over)
     - Ensure hardware is in working order
     - Upgrade all system software
     - Configure redundancy ( failover, load balancing, RAID, clusters)
     - Consider disaster recovery ( what if the building is destroyed?)
     - Consider software based solutions (Dos prevention / Firewall )

1.3.7 Cyber security attempts to make it difficult for the majority of attackers

- Computes on the Internet are being attacked all the time
     - usually from viruses or bots
- Attackers focus on easy, insecure systems
     - Many systems have almost no security configured
     - Basic security practices can prevent the majority of attacks
- Attackers also foucs on high-profile systems
     - Potentially a lot of money
     - Potentially a lot of frame

1.3.8 Basic level of cyber security

- Updated Software (all)
     - All software on the computer can become a vulnerability if it is not updated regularly
- Access Controls - restricted accounts
     - Reduce access rights for accounts you use
     - Require passwords for the administrator account
- Does the device need direct access to the Internet?
     - Firewall / Proxy / Secure Gateway
- Check logs often (especially corporate)
     - Any strange logins?
     - Any strange connections or errors?
     - Most systems should have an installed and updated anti-virus (or two)
     - Use a regional (V3) AND global (Avira) anti-virus for better protection
- Don't use secure systems to visit unknown or unrelated websites
     - Many current attacks focus on the compromise of the browser
     - Always use the newest, updated browser
         - Do not use Internet Explorer - the current version is Microsoft Edge
         - Google Chrome (automatically updates)
         - Mozilla Firefox


※ 이 문서는 한림대학교 Joshua I. James 교수님의 'Digital Forensic Investigation' 을 참고하여 적었음을 밝힙니다.