CSS 동아리_/[HackerRank]

[HackerRank] Easy

Jieon_ 2019. 5. 12. 17:14
Simple Array Sum (C languages)

  • scan the inputs
  • make the list and put the inputs in the list
  • add the inputs each
Compare the Triplets

  • make the list of Alice and Bob
  • scan the inputs and put them each of the lists
  • compare each
    • Alice > Bob = increase the Alice point
    • Alice < Bob = increase the Bob point
    • Alice = Bob = nothing
  • show the output

'CSS 동아리_ > [HackerRank]' 카테고리의 다른 글

[HackerRank] 2019.05.20-2019.05.26  (0) 2019.05.30
[HackerRank] 2019.05.13-2019.05.19  (0) 2019.05.22